Expanding with Cedar

Thank you for supporting Expanding with Cedar.

Led by Cedar and her community, this site is a growing library for things to do (and ways of being) to expand and awaken at this time.

Currently on offer:

Core Learnings
In audio and video we are capturing core lessons and learnings. These are truths and foundational teachings that we think children and all people should be taught or have access to at this time.

Meditations with Cedar
Cedar is big into meditating right now.
Her dad believes it is the way we can expand our influence on the world and bring about peace and love.
Meditations with Cedar is a collection of meditations with Cedar and Luc.

The meditations are designed to be close your eyes and follow along and are 8-14mins.

Stay tuned for more meditations with Cedar and her dad.

Journal Prompts
Journal prompts are starting points for time spent journalling. It is a common practice to journal after a meditation or yoga experience. Also, children need to expand their reading and writing skills in a constructive manner.

Set aside 5-20mins after your meditation/yoga to sit quietly and journal. Feel free to browse our suggestions in this section of the site. The list is always expanding.

Thanks for listening. More coming soon.

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